Gruia Dufaut



Last updated: 11 June 2015


Each year, the Ministry of Labor, Family and Social Protection decides upon the value of the meal vouchers and childcare vouchers granted to employees by their employers. Two Orders published in the Official Journal no. 373 of May 28, 2015 and no. 374 of May 28, 2015, the Ministry of Labor decided, on one hand, the increase of the value of meal vouchers starting from the month of May. On the other hand, the Ministry decided to maintain the value of childcare vouchers.


Please be reminded that meal vouchers are granted to employees by their employer for each worked day. The vouchers can be used by employees either to pay for their meal at cafeterias or restaurants, or for purchasing food products.

Following the entry into force of Government Decision no. 23/2015, meal vouchers can also be issued in electronic format, by means of a card. This card is nominal and credited with the value of the meal vouchers granted to employees proportionally with the number of days worked.

Starting from May 2015, the value of a meal vouchers will be 9.41 Lei, compared to the former value of 9.35 lei, following the publishing in the Official Journal no. 374 of May 28, 2015 of Order no. 1069/2015 of the Ministry of Labor.

The increase of the value of meal vouchers was decided taking into account the increase of the consumer price index (IPC), which measures the average prices of the products consumed in a household.


In accordance with Order no. 1070/2015 of the Ministry of Labor, for the first semester of 2015, the value of a childcare voucher is 440 Lei. Thus, this value remains unchanged compared to the second semester of 2014, provided by Order no. 2208/2014 of the Ministry of Labor.

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